Weekly Tuition Rates

18 months
18–24 months 24–36 months 36 months –
Five Full Days $257 $242 $227 $207  

*All three-year-olds must be fully potty trained to attend.
Rates effective 8/12/24

Registration Fee

Materials Fee

Payment Information
All tuition fees are due by the Friday before each week, or a late fee of $5 per day will be charged. No exceptions for absences, vacations or holidays, or annual staff development day. If you have any questions about billing, check with the office. All payments are to be made through the Brightwheel app.

Multiple Child Discount
If you have more than one child enrolled full-time or pay in full by the due date, we will take 5% off of the tuition.

Each child will be allowed one week of unpaid vacation. After one week, all additional vacations taken families will be held responsible for paying. Vacation times go from August 1st to July 30th each year.

All payments are to be made through Brightwheel. This includes but is not limited to tuition payments, late pickup fees, no blanket fees, late payment fees, declined payment fees, Children’s Cabinet co-pays, etc. Due to this policy, ALL families MUST have a debit/credit card or ACH account linked to their Brightwheel account. All Tuition payments are due on or before the payment due date listed on your Brightwheel billing invoice.
Payments that are received AFTER this due date will be charged a $5 per day late payment fee. If a payment is declined at any time, a $25 declined payment fee will be added to your account, in addition to a $5 per day late payment fee. Below is a list of additional fees that can be applied to your account.

Over Ten Hours Per Day Fee – $30 for first 10 minutes over 10 hrs., and $3 per minute until pick up. This fee applies to any child in our care for over 10 hours a day, which will be applied automatically at the 10 hours of care mark.

No Blankets Fee – $5 per day. This fee applies to any child who does not bring a fitted sheet and blanket for nap time. (this does not apply to Tumbleweeds or children under one year. In the bluebirds or wolves)

No Diapers Fee – $5 per diaper provided by the center. This fee applies to any child in diapers who does not have a diaper available at diaper changing time. Diapers are changed at a maximum of every two hrs. daily.

Late Pick-up Fee – $30 for the first 10 minutes over 10 hrs., and $3 per minute until pick up. This fee applies to any child picked up after closing (5:30 pm). Late pick-up fees and over 10 hours’ fees can be charged
concurrently if both apply.

Missed Sign-in/out Fee – $5 per missed sign-in or sign-out. This fee applies to any child not signed in or signed out by the family member picking them up OR dropping them off.

Late Payment Fee – $5 per day per child. This fee applies to any child’s account that has a past-due
balance due to a declined payment or no payment made on or before the payment due date.
Declined Payment Fee – $25 per declined payment. This fee applies to any account whose payment is
declined for any reason. All accounts MUST be up to date and in good standing for your child to attend.